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Positive Living Presentations 


Angel Theodora. Breath-work Presentation. Tuesday 23rd April 2024.  7pm to 8.30pm.  Entrance Fee: £15


A Conscious Connected Breath-work Facilitator, Angel is professionally trained to perform Breath Analysis and to understand how breath patterns reflect physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, and, subsequently, quality of life.  Angel is also fully trained in Acupressure and consensual intuitive touch as well the guiding of somatic release to help assist in realigning breathing patterns; which may ease physical, emotional, and energetic blocks in the body.  Serendipitously, Angel’s original Master’s degree in Film Studies and Philosophy illuminated to her the intricate ways in which perception of reality potentially mirrors consciousness and how this extends beyond human boundaries to embrace the interconnectedness of all conscious beings.  Angel’s presentation will explore and share these interweaving dynamics, and the many benefits breath-work may procure.

Please be aware that spaces are limited, so booking early is advisable.



Sue Stone.  The Power Within You Presentation. Tuesday 5th March 2024

Sue Stone, author, tv presenter, wellbeing and personal transformation coach, delivered an inspiring and insightful presentation at 63a.  Instilled with a mixture of personal experience, research, and observation borne from her professional practice, Sue laid out simple yet effective tools to hone and maintain our personal locus of control:

Each of us carries within the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or for worse.  Once we get our ‘inner world’ joyful and peaceful, our ‘outer world’ reflects that back at us.


You will find Sue’s words of wisdom scribed in her fascinating books:


A Wonderful World For All: A practical guide


The Power Within You Now!: Rocket fuel for your body, and soul


Sue’s website: https://www.suestonefoundation.com