Native to India, and cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world, vetvert is a perennial grass, with tall stems and long, thin, rigid leaves, which grow in clumps, with deep roots, and brownish-purple flowers.  The essential oil is steam distilled from the washed, dried, and chopped roots and rootlets, and is deep brown-red in appearance.  Its scent is sweet, complex, earthy, burnt-smoky-woody to rich, heavy or deep woody-earthy, balsamic.  Vetivert is immune stimulating, and added to vegetable oil, non-perfumed cream or lotion, is excellent for mature, inflamed, dry or oily skin. It is also anti-fungal.  Vetivert aids withdrawal from tranquilizers, eases anxiety and depression, balances the nervous system, calms impatience, eases insomnia and panic attacks, among many other wonderful qualities.

You will find deeper detail about this essential oil in my books, Essential Oils for Mindfulness and Meditation, and Essential Oils for the Whole Body